just taking in this wonderful moment to share some serenity with my blogger friends.......
......breathe in ... breathe out. OK so wow what a crazy weekend i have had now i am in a funk of not feeling up to par and sleepy as all get out and my back is in such pain I am contemplating setting up that appointment with my doctor about steroid injections.
did quite a bit if service this weekend today i am mailing out the last of my newsletters, should have been done months ago, then i need to set up the next edition, which is real easy i already have 4 great articles to put into it. i need to organize all the regional secretary stuff and get it ready to pass on to the next secretary, today we are headed off to order some t-shirts for the upcoming campout, tomorrow we are meeting here to record the hotline and teach other members how to do so, Thursday we are having an adhoc meeting on the campout itinerary and make sure i have all the times right. so i will make this brief so i can do some step work and catch up on my tutorials from kelby training. i apologize for not making it by to comment and see how everyone is doing i hope to do so sometime this week I will have my gratitude list for tomorrow and my Flash Friday though not sure what to write about but i will think of something I really appreciate having a couple of commitments to post on the blog so I don't forget about it.
On another note my garden is coming in and i am going to for sure have radishes, butter crunch lettuce, zucchini, cucumbers, spinach, jalapenos, spring mix lettuce, bibb lettuce, cantaloupe, tomatoes and green and colored bell peppers. not too sure if my carrots are going to do anything and my green beans and snap peas are in the lower part of the garden that has been flooded for over a week so say a couple of prayers to mother earth that they may soon sprout. Also i think we may have found a way to cut $100.00 from our grocery budget. Our Gillybean is lactose intolerant so we have been buying Silk with fiber for her, it seems to help her go, and it cost 3.50 a half gallon and now Wes is drinking it for his G.E.R.D., so we go through at least 6 containers a week, well we went online and found a soy milk maker with all kinds of recipes. the milk maker needs to be able to heat the milk up to 180 degrees to get rid of the bitterness of the soy beans, also you can purchase the beans very cheap and a gallon of milk runs around 40 cents. so we are getting one and we are going to try some different recipes and see how well it works out, i told Wes i would be willing to use the soy milk and give up on cows milk if it would save that much money. Be careful if you go to Amazon though, last Christmas we purchased something from there and our credit card got nabbed and there were 2 -400 dollar charges put on it in New York, of course we were not charged but when we contacted amazon they were not even going to do an investigation of their members. So we have this deal where you can create a card for a one time use and give it a certain limit for online sales and then if some unsavory character gets your number it will be of no value and they cannot get your real number, it is through B of A if you want to check it out it is a customer protection plan. Another thing we went on amazon and ordered a milk maker and the company then told us it was out of stock, and tried to use our money without having the product so double check and call the company to make sure it is in stock first, amazon does have an option that says "out of stock" this company just did not use that option out of fear of losing business. so some food for thought maybe you can save on your grocery budget as well. and for today's thought; “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”-Mahatma Gandhi
oh how i wished i lived closer to you... your veggie garden sounds... well, edible, heee heee heee. radishes with butter and salt on fresh bread. now that's a good childhood memory for me.
You are saving tons of money just by having that veggie garden.
Hope your back feels better soon!!!
A 'milk-maker'!!! Now this farmer boy (me!) has heard everything.
Of course you're talkin' SOY milk, whatever the "F" that is...
Of COURSE I know what that is...I just wanted to say "F"...OK?
Your garden sounds perfectly wonderful. I can taste the salad right now.
Making soy milk.....at the prices you have to pay for soy milk and the possibility of making it that much cheaper....sounds like a great idea. Hope it works out well.
Good luck,
good posting.
I love soy milk...
Hope your back feels better. I had those injections in the L5/S1 but only received minor temporary relief.
Glad that the garden is doing well. Mine is doing great as well. It is a sense of accomplishment to eat what you produce.
Your garden sounds blissful and amazing, what a wonderful place to be!
Making soy milk sounds good too! What a deal also!
I hope that your back is feeling better, it's so difficult to live with chronic back pain, I understand that and hope you are okay!
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