Wednesday, January 26, 2011

my sisters issue with aging

here is my sister and her husband. today she turns 40 years old. don't tell her that i told you. last night my honey and i went over to her house in the middle of the night and decorated it with banners and streamers and balloons. we put yard signs that read 'over the hill' and balloons said the same thing, we posted a big sign on the back of her car that said candida is 40!! she went outside this morning and was like 'Someone toilet papered my house!!'

she thought it was toilet paper!! i didn't toilet paper her house!! she has no clue who did this and she was mad!! her kids were singing 'mommy's over the hill!! mommys over the hill!!'

so i pranked my sister!! she doesn't read blogs so she won't read this and she still don't know who did it!! her whole neighborhood knows her age!!

'happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to candida!!!!! happy birthday to you!! and many more!!!

he, he, he, he stealth like ningas!!!


Busy Bee Suz said...

I think that is just the coolest idea!!!! You guys rock.

G-Man said...

I can't remember that far back!

Shadow said...

happy birthday to your sister! hope she laughs about this soon...

Anonymous said...

I have to say I am one of those silly people that never tell my age. I would have been devastated had my brother done that. I hope she can look at this as funny very soon.

Maude Lynn said...


Happy Birthday to your sister!