Wednesday, June 16, 2010

trying to slow down

when i was using, i thought life was boring and i was bored with nothing to do. that is not the case today. i have a newsletter that is over due, fliers to make 4 panel presentations coming up a booth to set up at National Night Out, step work, therapy, weight ins, plus meals , chores, licenses to renew, paperwork to fill out, phone calls to make, and a new sponsor!!

  i am working on the newsletters now, we have physical therapy this morning for "A" and then the gym. I have lost 20 pounds on weight watchers so i am keeping that up really well. last night I made this shrimp and pineapple wrap, it was so good and 2 servings was only 3.5 points!! i had 5 points left over yesterday that i didn't use of my daily points!! i made a bilingual pull tab flier that i need to go get printed off for the community meeting on July 13, i still need to get the literature rack delivered, we started 3 new meetings for the hispanic group, friday we are doing a spanish flier drive to let the community know we have new meetings. there is a panel presentation on the 25, i just stepped up and took it over from the PI chair who had no idea what to do with it. if i stepped on toes i  apologize, it was just something that was being drug along and not getting done so now it is.

I have a new sponsor, i called my sponsor twice last friday and then on monday and still have not heard from her. so i asked someone else to sponsor me. i was going to tell my sponsor but she never called me back or answered her phone. i went to a noon meeting yesterday and it was great. life is so busy, my garden is drowning in the second coming of moses!! is everyone out there staying dry in this weather!! or is it just the mid west?

I am going to make some delicious coffee, some oatmeal for the kids, and try to catch up on my peeps before we have to go. i hope all is well out there, my recipes are starting to add up, i still don't know how many to put in a book. i guess this would be more of a good eating guide and a lesson book to show people how to cook, the basics, the right ingredients, low cost and healthy, and how to involve the whole family. my little ones are demanding their morning chocolate milk.. i love my girls!!


Maude Lynn said...

You sound really busy, but in a good way.

We had massive flooding down here, too. It was unbelievable!

Busy Bee Suz said...

There is something to be said about pacing ourselves.
Good luck..take care, Suz

Syd said...

Glad that you are busy and enjoying life. We have had rain for a couple of afternoons so I didn't have to water and irrigate. That is good.

Chic Mama said...

I tried to comment on this the other day....I love this post. You have come such a long way. X